I hate to make it sound like a bad thing to be stuck in Buenos Aires, Argentina for 10 days, because this place is amazing and there's tons of stuff to do... I'm just not looking forward to figuring out and doing everything alone. I consider myself a pretty independent person, and I do enjoy the peacefulness of being alone, but for 9 days?!? I'm actually kinda exaggerating, I at least know of 2 other girls staying in BsAs, I'm just going to have to make an effort to meet up with them since we've never really hung out before. Also there's a huge group of 50 newbies coming to BsAs this week to start their fall semester program, so time to make new friends! And on another positive note, this will give me an opportunity to plan out the things I want to do, seek them out, and explore. On my to-do list for the next week:
- start reading a book in spanish
- try a new place for lunch every day
- start running regularly
- find a pair of boots
- go to at least 2 museums
- find someplace to make a 1-2 day side trip to (Colonia del Sacremento, Uruguay and Los Esteros del Iberá are the current forerunners)
- check out Chinatown
- try to make Argentine friends
Stay tuned to see how successful (or sad and lonely) I am. Now I must go take a siesta to recover from my late (6am) night, and prepare to go out for one last hurrah with the people who were only here for a month and leaving tomorrow.
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